Orthodontic FAQs

Are you trying to learn more about braces but tired of clicking from website to website, page to page? Do you wish you could find answers to orthodontic FAQs in one spot? Well, you’ve arrived at the right place! Brady Orthodontics wants to make the transition into braces as easy as possible, so we’ve put together this list of questions that Dr. Brady frequently encounters to help you get a head start on your research.

Why Should I See An Orthodontist?

Orthodontic work can help to significantly improve your quality of life by bettering your mental, physical, and oral health. How? We’ll gladly tell you!

Did you know that improper placement of the teeth and jaw can also lead to health complications? Overcrowded teeth can complicate oral hygiene, and a misaligned jaw can make chewing challenging. If left untreated, this could cause tooth decay, choking, heartburn, gum disease, and more. 

Did you also know that crooked teeth can lower your self-esteem and be seen as aesthetically unappealing to some people? This unfavorable perception can negatively impact your chances of getting a job, getting second dates, and making friends. Those with misaligned teeth and jaw are more likely to suffer from loneliness, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues than those with straight teeth.

Seeing an orthodontist and getting appropriate treatment can minimize these risks and leave you happy and healthy. 

Who Can Receive Care?

Orthodontic work benefits patients of all ages, not just the teenagers that braces are commonly associated with. In fact, many orthodontists encourage you to bring your child for their first appointment by the age of seven! Though many children won’t need to start treatment right away at that age, it is best to have them assessed early, just in case! Orthodontic work is often easier to perform on children because their bones have not solidified yet, saving your child time, money, and discomfort when they are older.

Don’t let that make you think you’re “too old” for braces! It’s never too late to invest in your smile, and braces are a great way to do it! You deserve a beautiful, functional smile that you are proud to share with the world!

No matter your age, Brady Orthodontics is happy to help!

What Is The Difference Between The Different Kinds Of Braces?

Whether you have mild or complex alignment needs, Brady Orthodontics has you covered with multiple treatment options. Let’s check them out:

  • Metal braces are durable, reliable, and can fix bite needs of various severity. Their strength makes them perfect for those with more complex conditions who might need additional tools or equipment. Our KLOwen custom braces are made just for you, allowing you to achieve your new smile up to 40% faster!
  • Clear braces work identically to metal braces. Their difference is in the materials! Instead of metal, clear braces use brackets made of tooth-colored ceramic material to blend in with your teeth. Our KLOwen custom ceramic braces have all the benefits of metal braces, though you will need to be more careful with them because the brackets can chip or crack.
  • Clear aligners are an excellent choice for those with mild to medium bite needs who want a little flexibility in their lifestyle. Removable clear aligners allow you to maintain your regular oral hygiene routine and diet during treatment. We proudly offer Invisalign, which has programs tailored to patients of different ages.
  • InBrace combines the best of all of the above. These lingual braces sit behind the teeth for “invisible” treatment. The unique placement plus the unique S-shape of the wire means patients can keep their regular oral hygiene routine and diet. InBrace is ideal for those with mild to moderate teeth alignment needs who don’t want to compromise subtly or lifestyle and don’t want the responsibility of removable braces.

To know which braces are right for you, schedule a free consultation with us! We will gladly review the options you qualify for and help you narrow the choices based on your goals and needs. If you qualify for multiple options, we strongly encourage you to be realistic when considering adding them to your lifestyle. For example, if you know you frequently lose things, Invisalign might not be the best option for you. Remember, you’ll get the best results when you are excited, motivated, and happy during treatment, and you won’t feel that way if your treatment frustrates you.

Do Braces Hurt?

Yes and no! Braces apply gentle pressure to your teeth to move them over time. When you first begin wearing your braces (no matter the type), you will probably feel discomfort as the mouth adjusts. You might feel similar tenderness after every adjustment. You can manage the soreness with ice packs, orthodontic wax, Orajel, or over-the-counter pain medications! After a few days, you will get used to the appliance and the changes made.

Your braces should not cause you anything worse than discomfort unless you experience an injury or your braces are broken or ill-fitting. If your braces are causing you pain, contact our office immediately so we can find and fix the issue. 

Are The Results Permanent?

Your braces results are meant to be as permanent as possible! As long as you maintain proper oral hygiene and wear your retainer as directed by Dr. Brady, your new smile will last for many, many, many, many years to come!

If your teeth do end up shifting, either due to age, injury, oral health issues, or improper retainer usage, don’t worry. Retreatment is always an option!

Orthodontic FAQs

Where Can I Go If I Have More Questions? Brady Orthodontics!

We’re always here for you before, during, and after active treatment! Being a braces patient is incredibly rewarding, but sometimes questions and concerns pop up when you’re in our Winnetka office. Whether you need more detailed answers to the questions above or have questions we didn’t address, don’t hesitate to contact us or head over to our FAQ page!